About Tech Talk

Tech Talk (Computer 7) is a computer-informatics-technology blog by Jenni a grade 7 student of Saint Louis College Science High School. This blog is created in July 23, 2014 as a part of their Computer Education subject. This blog will serve as a way to share the blogger's different learning in Computer Education which includes trivia, self help guides and tutorials, video presentations and a whole lot more. 

Postings will be made frequently depending on the writer's schedule since she is a full time student and just beginning to understand the huge blagosphere world. 

With the advancement of technology as as days past by, it is paramount that younger generation will have a good grasp of the basics of informatics and computer sciences. Not only that but the how-to's and the what-are's of the world wide web is also essential to know as it will be a great help as a good resource of huge amount of information that can be utilized by the younger generation to reach their dreams.

Gone are the days that only the adults and those who are graduates of computer related degrees has the full knowledge with the techie stuff. It's great that the education system of has responded to the needs of the fast evolving technology world to let young students have great knowledge with technology and informatics. 

This blog has the following sections:

This section contains computer related trivia will blow your mind.

This section contains essential tutorials and step by step guide when it comes to common computer knowledge.

This section contains presentations made by the blogger.

This section contains personal entries/ journals of the blogger.

©Tech Talk (Computer 7) 2014
by Jenni
All Rights Reserve

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