Monday, October 13, 2014

Ten foods to make you smarter

There really is such a thing as brain food. Here's a roundup of the top ten foods that will give you an intelligence boost when you next need it.

Egg yolk
While many try and avoid these for cholesterol reasons, egg yolk actually contains a nutrient called choline which can enhance your memory. Try and fit up to two eggs in your diet, three to four times a week. These Lamb sausage and basil egg muffins are packed full of protein.
Kelp has been gaining popularity in the Northern Hemisphere and it's easy to see why. While some people aren't huge fans of the taste, kelp is high in magnesium, calcium and iodine. Iodine helps with normal growth and development of the brain and body.
Sage is another memory enhancer. Recent studies show that adding sage oil to your diet can improve memory performance. For a super brain food hit, try making these Baked butterflied Australian sardines with Parmesan sage crust.

According to researchers, eating foods high in antioxidants can help delay brain aging since they help combat free radical damage. Antioxidants in brightly coloured fruits and vegetables like blueberries and avocados may help keep our brain in firing form by protecting it from oxidative damage, according to researchers.
Oily fish
Fish with high levels of fatty acids like tuna, mackerel, salmon, trout and sardines are very good for you. They contain high levels of the fatty acids EPA and DHA. The EPA helps prevent blood clotting and the DHA is considered a vital nutrient to enhance learning ability and mental development. Try this delicious Miso salmon recipe.
If you needed another excuse for that second coffee, this may be it. Research shows coffee improves memory and speeds up reaction times. If you're a lifelong coffee drinker you're also in luck because research has shown it can lead to a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease. GALLERY: Learn how to make perfect cafe coffee at home.
Cacao, or pure chocolate, is full of antioxidants. Research shows that the combination of exercise and a diet high in epicatechin, a coumpound found in cacao, promotes learning and memory. These Raw cacao energy balls are deliciously healthy – the only problem is stopping at one!

The fatty acids in walnuts are critical for brain and nervous system performance. The brain needs lots of fatty acids for optimum function and cognition. This tasty Wild rice and walnut salad is a great accompaniment to any dish.


According to health professionals, the number one cause of memory loss, at any age, is dehydration. Make sure you make time to drink water during the day and you'll improve your brain function just like that.

 Complex carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates like wholegrain breads, oats, brown rice, legumes, fruits and vegetables provide a slow release of glucose to the brain. Glucose is used to fuel the brain cells that are responsible for concentration, memory and learning. This Eggy bread by Jamie Oliver is the perfect breakfast to get your brain cranking!

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